Instructor tools help you manage a course or a section. On the
My Library page, look for the course you want to manage and click the
Manage button to go to instructor tools.

Figure 1.7: My Library Page with Manage ButtonTo add new section, click the
Add new section button.

Figure 1.8: Manage Course Page with Add a new section ButtonYou can
Create a New Section,
Clone Using Section List,
Clone Using Section Key. Provide the other required details and click the
Save and manage section button.

Figure 1.9: Manage Course Page with New Section Modal Box and Section Option Drop-Down

Figure 1.10: Manage Course Page with New Section Modal Box and Save and manage section buttonClick the
Instructor Tools button.

Figure 1.11: Manage Course Page with Instructor Tools ButtonOn the
Dashboard, you will see the following horizontal tabs:

Figure 1.12: Setup Page with Tools Tab