Customer Relationship Management

(CRM-2) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-107-9
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About This Course

Learn the skills of customer relationship management with the Customer Relationship Management-second edition course and lab. Lab simulates real-world, hardware, software, and command-line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course, or training. The CRM training course and lab provide knowledge on topics such as technology and data platform; organization and CRM; privacy and ethics consideration; CRM program measurements and tools; and social networking and CRM.

Skills You’ll Get


14+ Lessons | 96+ Quizzes | 190+ Flashcards | 190+ Glossary of terms


Introduction to Customer Relationship Management

  • Definition of CRM and CRM Applications
  • The Purpose and Benefits of CRM
  • The Tangible Components of CRM
  • Customer Service and the Customer Engagement Center
  • Important Business Constructs Related to CRM
  • Who Uses CRM and Why?
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

The History and Development of CRM

  • The Origins of CRM
  • CRM: Why Now?
  • Organizations’ Experiences with CRM
  • Implementing CRM and Overcoming Barriers
  • Developing CRM from a Tactical Perspective
  • Customer Engagement and Customer Experience Management
  • Extending the Meaning and Application of CRM
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Relationship Marketing and CRM

  • The Roots of Relationship Marketing
  • Relationship Marketing and Its Domain: Why Relationship Marketing Works!
  • Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift
  • When Relationship Marketing Is Most Applicable
  • Relationship Marketing and the Characteristics of a Relationship
  • Relationship Marketing and CRM: What Is Customer Relationship Management?
  • The Impact of CRM
  • Reorganizing Marketing to Maximize the Benefits of CRM
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Organization and CRM

  • Introduction
  • The Human Factor
  • Organization Environment
  • Value Chain Organization
  • Other Considerations
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

CRM and Data Management

  • Introduction
  • Managing Customer Interactions
  • The Customer Integration Problem
  • Customer Data Integration Definition and Requirements
  • Householding Concepts
  • Customer Data Integration Steps
  • The Evolving Data Management Landscape
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises
  • Appendix

Technology and Data Platforms

  • Introduction
  • Technology Evolution
  • Marketing Technology Development Path
  • CRM and Related Technology Providers
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Database and Customer Data Development

  • Introduction
  • Data Defined
  • Data Capture and Allocation
  • Data Transformation
  • Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA)
  • Enabling CRM
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises
  • Appendix A

Business-to-Business CRM

  • Introduction
  • Business-to-Business Characteristics Relative to CRM
  • Value Delivery Networks
  • Building the Relationship—Sales and CRM
  • Partner Relationship Management (PRM)
  • Business Partner Associations
  • Other CRM Strategy Considerations
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Understanding the Customer–Company Profit...n: Satisfaction, Loyalty, Retention, and Profits

  • Key Constructs in the Customer–Company Profit Chain
  • Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Satisfaction: Much Ado about Nothing?
  • Customer Loyalty
  • Retention
  • Satisfaction and Loyalty Factors
  • The Relationship between Satisfaction and Loyalty
  • The Relationship between Customer Loyalty and Company Profitability
  • Loyalty/Rewards/Frequency Programs
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

The CRM Strategy Cycle: Acquisition, Retention, and Win-Back

  • The CRM Strategy Cycle
  • Is CRM for Everyone?
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Privacy and Ethics Considerations

  • Introduction
  • Consumer Privacy Concerns
  • Organization Privacy Concerns
  • Current/Pending Privacy Legislation
  • What Consumers Can Do
  • What Organizations Can Do
  • Global Issues
  • New Technology Implications
  • Other Resources
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

CRM Program Measurement and Tools

  • Introduction
  • Areas Requiring Measurement
  • Basic Measures
  • CRM Customer Cycle Measures
  • Company 3E Measures
  • Customer Value and Customer Equity Measures
  • Marketing Research
  • CRM Scorecards and the CRM Measurement Hierarchy
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises
  • Appendix

Social Networking and CRM

  • Introduction
  • Social Networking and the Most Popular Sites
  • Why Companies Must Use Social Media
  • Why Social Media Works
  • Social Networking in China and the United States
  • How and Why Marketers Should Use Social Networks in CRM
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

CRM Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

  • Introduction
  • Organizational Environment and CRM
  • Trends in Current Technology
  • Emerging Trends and Technologies
  • Dynamic CRM: Transitioning for the Future
  • Summary
  • Questions
  • Exercises

Introduction to Customer Relationship Management

  • Defining CRM
  • Understanding CRM and its applications
  • Understanding CRM purposes and benefits
  • Understanding term related to CRM tangible components
  • Identifying SMS applications
  • Understanding CRM tangible components
  • Understanding CRM terminologies
  • Identifying customer service areas
  • Identifying CRM business constructs
  • Developing and purchasing CRM systems

The History and Development of CRM

  • Understanding terms related to the origins of CRM
  • Understanding CRM implementation
  • Understanding the timeline of CRM activities
  • Understanding the types of CRM
  • Understanding CEM
  • Identifying quality attributes

Relationship Marketing and CRM

  • Describing relationship marketing
  • Understanding activities related to relationship marketing
  • Understanding extended product model
  • Identifying the customers types
  • Understanding relationship marketing and CRM

Organization and CRM

  • Understanding the CRM project change management
  • Managing business information throughout an organization

CRM and Data Management

  • Understanding the customer integration problem
  • Configuring customer data integration
  • Understanding the record linkage method
  • Understanding technologies

Technology and Data Platforms

  • Understanding marketing technology
  • Understanding cloud types
  • Understanding service models
  • Understanding CRM technology providers

Database and Customer Data Development

  • Understanding categories of data
  • Understanding data transformation
  • Understanding support system
  • Understanding business analytical methodologies

Business-to-Business CRM

  • Understanding relationship management
  • Understanding B2B and B2C
  • Understanding product/service value delivery network
  • Understanding the relationship between sales and CRM
  • Understanding VARs
  • Identifying CRM strategy terminologies

Understanding the Customer–Company Profit...n: Satisfaction, Loyalty, Retention, and Profits

  • Understanding customer-company profit chain
  • Understanding the bond between customer and company
  • Understanding types of loyalty
  • Understanding loyalist categories
  • Understanding programs

The CRM Strategy Cycle: Acquisition, Retention, and Win-Back

  • Understanding the retention strategies
  • Understanding bonds
  • Understanding models

Privacy and Ethics Considerations

  • Understanding text message spam
  • Understanding consumer action
  • Configuring strategic steps for managing privacy issues
  • Understanding privacy management practices
  • Identifying organizational resources

CRM Program Measurement and Tools

  • Identifying service quality factors
  • Understanding CRM customer cycle measures
  • Understanding customer equity components

Social Networking and CRM

  • Describing social networking sites
  • Understanding concepts of social media
  • Understanding customer retention strategies
  • Understanding social networking reasons

CRM Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

  • Understanding marketing application life cycles
  • Understanding technologies

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